Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let's escape this world and create our own

Soon we'll part this earthly body, 
to journey to a world where freedom resides.....
not alone, but with you beside me...
into the cosmos of distant skies....

We'll touch one another
and radiate bliss.....
a feeling of love
one can not resist....

For on this plane 
no fear resides.
Only droplets of joy 
from our waterfall eyes....

We'll look back at the sorrows of yesterday's past
to appreciate the fate that made us ONE at last..

in a world of our own......

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saul Williams - DNA

New Beginnings

A new life.
A new beginning.
Old ways die.
We cling to them no longer.
New ways live.
We embrace them stronger.
We create new footprints by walking new paths.
Fear can not hold us as we take our first steps to freedom.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Each Day

Each day I remove a layer
now comfortable in my own skin
for you've proven that you are a friend

Vibrate Higher

"Greatness resides in everyone. The sad part is that some of us place barriers on ourselves that keep it locked in."

            We must remove the barriers we've placed on my minds. Our minds are more powerful than we have been lead to believe. The truth to our existence lies within. If only we could tap into this potential. We are celestial beings inhabiting a physical body.. Spiritual beings on a physical journey. How beautiful is it to know that you are not a slave; that you are not limited; that your higher self is waiting for you to unlock him/her. Resist the lies.. open your eyes, heart , and mind to who you really are......
